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Gold Coast Chiropractic



100 Year Lifestyle

Enjoy these 100 Year Lifestyle chiropractic posts courtesy of Gold Coast Chiropractic in Cardiff by the Sea CA  92007.

100 Year Lifestyle Chiropractic Essentials

  • The Long and Short of Telomeres

        Talk of telomeres is making its way into health news today more than ever. Until recently you may not have heard of telomeres. Now that you have, you still might not understand their importance. Let’s look at the long and short of telomeres. Coming to Terms First, […]

  • Thriving After Adversity: Post-Traumatic Growth

        Life is rarely smooth sailing. We all, at some time, experience challenges of one kind or another that cause us severe and lasting emotional or psychological distress. These traumatic events often overwhelm our normal ability to cope, leading to feelings of fear and […]

  • Take A Breath

        Our breath is an essential part of life that we often take for granted. It is a process that allows us to bring oxygen into our bodies and release carbon dioxide. Proper breathing is essential for survival and plays a vital role in maintaining our health and managing […]

  • The Power That Heals The Body

        Do you understand the power that heals the body? Almost everyone has an inner knowledge that mental and emotional “stresses” can cause illness in the body. However, the question has always been how and why? To understand the inner workings behind stress-induced […]

  • A Prescription Drug Solution

          The high cost of prescription drug is often in the news and a major issue on many levels. Therefore, individuals, families, communities, and politicians are searching for answers as the cost of drugs and health care skyrocket and people keep getting sicker. Thus, a […]

  • Lowering Cholesterol Confusion

        There is a lot of cholesterol confusion right now. For years, the media has pointed fingers at high cholesterol for being the main cause of heart disease. This has created an era of low fat, low cholesterol diets. These diets have allowed the processed carbohydrate […]

  • The Fine Print

        The trust Americans have in our government’s handling of our health care has long been a topic of conversation. It was before COVID, during, and has been ever since. But are we having the right conversation? Is the issue really about trust? Or is it actually about […]

  • Most Alzheimer’s Cases are Preventable

        According to the Alzheimer’s Association, approximately 6.7 million Americans age 65 and older are living with Alzheimer’s. That’s 1 in 9 people aged 65 and older. It is estimated that by 2050, the number will grow to 12.7 million. Yet the authors of a new book, […]

  • Exploring the Historical Reflections of Naturopathy

        Naturopathy, a holistic approach to health, has a rich history that dates back to the early 20th century. In this article, we delve into the historical reflections of naturopathy and what it’s all about. The Congressional Definition of Naturopathy (1931) […]

  • Chiropractic Care for Employees

      Understanding Dis-ease From Another Perspective Disease is not something to be feared, but rather understood as a natural adaptation to negative stress. Many people think that the flu season, for example, is like a game of roulette—that it’s a matter of chance […]

  • Death by Pharmacy

        If you’ve been following The 100 Year Lifestyle for any period of time, then you already know that it’s your chiropractor who has the real prescription for health. You also know that we don’t believe that drugs make you healthy.  Plus, there is actually a […]

  • Tired of Being Tired?

        Statistics show that 50 to 70 million Americans have ongoing sleep disorders. Of that number, women are 40% more likely to have insomnia than men. Those numbers indicate that sleep problems are of epidemic proportions. Are you or someone you love affected? Are you […]

  • Superagers on the Move

        A superager is a person who is at least 80 years old and retains the memory skills and capacity of someone a minimum of 30 years younger. But their memory isn’t the only thing that sets them apart. Superagers are on the move, and they’re fast. History  In 2008, […]

  • Cells: Master Architects of Life

        A 19th century Austrian monk by the name of Gregor Mendel founded the science of genetics. Since that time, DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) has been widely accepted as the “architects of our bodies,” the carrier of genetic information. However, not so according to the […]

  • Your Healthy Gut

        There is a lot of talk these days about having a healthy gut. And for good reason. The gut or gastrointestinal (GI) tract plays a crucial role in your overall health and well-being. It is responsible for approximately 80% of your immune system. Additionally, it is […]

  • Saunas Are a Hot Topic

      Saunas are a hot topic these days, and for good reason. They have been a part of Finnish culture for over 2,000 years. Finland ranks #1 on the list of healthiest and happiest countries in the world. What do the Finns know that we don’t? And does it have anything – or […]

  • Sunscreen Safety

        With summer in full swing most of us are headed outdoors to soak up that vitamin D. Between our mothers and our dermatologists, most of us are well aware of the benefits of wearing sunscreen. But are you aware of sunscreen safety issues? Do you really know how to […]

  • Got Inflammation? See Your Chiropractor

        Everyone deals with inflammation from time to time. Acute inflammation is a natural response of the body’s immune system to injury or infection and plays a crucial role in the healing process. However, chronic inflammation is when your body continues to send […]

  • Lose Your Cool or Stay Cool?

      Every day there is something – an event, an interaction, a realization – that has the potential to make you angry. How do you handle it? Do you lose your cool or stay cool? That is the question. Defined It really doesn’t matter what sets you off. We all have […]

  • Muscles Matter!

      According to Harvard Health Publishing, after age 30 we begin to lose as much as 3% to 5% of our muscles per decade. For men, they can assume they will lose approximately 30% of their muscle mass during the course of their lifetimes. Muscles matter. It’s never too […]

  • As Deadly as Smoking 15 Cigarettes a Day

      The U.S. surgeon general, Dr. Vivek Murthy, has published a report declaring loneliness to be a public health epidemic. Specifically, he’s stated that loneliness poses health risks as deadly as smoking up to 15 cigarettes per day. Defined Murthy told The Associated […]

  • Read Books, Live Longer

      Book lovers rejoice! A study conducted by Yale University has proven that reading books is directly tied to longevity. In other words, read books, live longer! Adding Years Specifically, people who read for three and a half hours per week or more were found to live […]

  • Neuroplasticity and Nerve Regeneration

      How many of us know someone who has been affected by a brain injury or a disease like autism, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, ALS, Alzheimer’s, or dementia? Or how many of us wish we could just focus better, improve our brain power, and protect ourselves from […]

  • Say What?

      Say what? According to the dictionary, “say what” is a phrase used when asking someone to repeat what they have said, especially when you are surprised by it. For example, if you were to be told that there is a link between hearing loss and longevity, you might […]

  • Her Liver is 100

        Sally Jacobson just had a birthday party for her liver. Sally is only 78, but her liver is 100 years old. Really. If you’re thinking you’re too old for something – anything – this story should give you a reason to look at things differently.  Sally’s Story […]

  • Vitamin Sea

      For many of us, the minute the weather gets warm we start thinking about a vacation at the ocean. We can’t seem to get enough Vitamin Sea! The sun, the sand, the salt water – all spell relaxation and rejuvenation. But there’s more. There are some serious health […]

  • Fighting Off Infections

      A new study finds that the secret to living to 100 and beyond is having lots of experience fighting off infections. It appears that those bugs and viruses can be good for us…particularly in the long run. Super Strong The study conducted by researchers at Boston […]

  • Don’t Stop Flossing

      Everyone knows that good dental hygiene is important. Keep brushing your teeth, don’t stop flossing, and see your dentist for regular cleanings. Do these things and you’ll have a pretty smile and keep your own teeth for, ideally, your entire life. However, according […]

  • Brain Food

        It is a fact that food is medicine, and we are what we eat. However, many people don’t realize that the phrase “brain food” is real. You really can eat to improve your mind. Global Emergency Every day we hear news about some public figure or someone in our […]

  • Drink Up!

        We all know that our body is made of mostly water and it’s important to drink enough fluids, preferably water, each day. The question is – do you? If you haven’t been diligent about staying hydrated, it’s time to make that important change. According to a new […]

100 Year Lifestyle Recipes

  • Matcha Magic

        Matcha is literally on everyone’s lips today. The secret of matcha magic has traveled far from its roots in China and can now be […]

  • Tidy Up Your Diet

        Between mom and Marie Kondo, we know all the reasons to keep our space clutter free. But did you know that extends into the kitchen? If […]

  • Wonderful Walnut Baklava

        Walnuts have been cherished for thousands of years, with their origins traced back to Persia (modern-day Iran). Ancient civilizations valued […]

  • Mouthwatering Chickpea Curry

      Curry is…everywhere. The word itself encompasses a variety of styles and flavors served in a variety of countries under a variety of names. But […]

  • Algae – A Global Phenomenon

        Nori is a staple in sushi. You might already be having spirulina in your morning smoothie. And you’ve no doubt seen kelp noodles on the […]